#eye #eye

I believe heart and soul are made external when they’re called out by our senses, to whatever we’re drawn to, or choose to interact with. There’s a biographical continuum between the objects here. They elucidate self evolution, femme-ness in counterbalance with its subversion, desire and memory, all seeking a home in the dynamic sublime.

Creo que alma se vuelve externa cuando nuestros sentidos lo llaman, sea lo que sea que nos atraiga o elijamos para interactuar. Hay continuo biográfico contenido entre los objetos aquí. Cuentan una historia de autoevolución, feminidad contrarrestada con su subversión, deseo y recuerdos, todos buscando un hogar en lo ‘sublime’ dinámico.

Self Séance series, ongoing (2023-)
Still life, floral, creative
Dynamic still life series featuring personal possessions and objects of symbolic and sentimental value. Each image is a disctinct arrangement of my hands and objects in the same set, all photographed in a single session.